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IVF treatment

Feminists against IVF and surrogacy

Immediately since the first appearence of IVF-techniques there have been many critical voices, both regarding the dignity of thus “produced” children, but also the risks and threats for women. Most feminists have had a negative response, fearing that the technique that soon allowed embryo transfers and surrogacy would further exploit women.[1]

Especially the topic of surrogacy has been actively fought against by numerous feminist, among them Alice Schwarzer, a German journalist and publicist, active in the feminist movement since the 1970. Since 2018 she is one of many supporters of an international[2] initiative called “Stoppt Leihmutterschaft” [Stop surrogacy].[3] This initiative is part of the international feminist organization CIAMS (Coalition Internationale pour l’Abolition de la Maternité de Substitution), which includes over 300 NGOs and human-rights organizations worldwide.[4] In 2023, more than 100 scientists and experts from over 75 countries published the “Casablanca Declaration”[5], demanding countries worldwide to ban surrogacy.

[1] Williams, Linda (1986): But what will they mean for women? Feminist Concerns about the New Reproductive Technologies. Online:
[2] CIAMS:
[3] Stoppt Leihmutterschaft:
[5] Casablanca Declaration:

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