Abortions are often performed whenever doctors detect a possible disability, which is called a disability-selective abortion. This is a clear discrimination against people with disabilities. To every person living with a disability it transports the message that they are unwanted in our society.
Aborting a child due to a disability is a clear violation of all basic human rights and of any “equality” we could ever promote. This is a dangerous mind-set that has manifested in our society, almost rotting out whole groups of people, like people with Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome. In Iceland f.e. close to 100% of all babies with Down syndrome are aborted, with only two to three children per year being born since the early 2000s*.
Who is allowed to decide if a person’s life is worthy to be lived, if a person is worthy to be born? Nobody should have this right!
* https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-05-01/iceland-prenatal-testing-down-syndrome-ethics/103781058