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About ProLife Europe

A photo of a female pro-lifer holding a sign with the Alice Paul quote "abortion is the ultimate exploitation of women"

A brief history of
ProLife Europe

United Vision, 2018/2019

Nine young adults from Germany, Austria, Portugal, and the U.S. unite around a shared belief: every human being, born or unborn, is precious and deserves protection. They realize that building a culture of life and ending abortion transcends borders, politics, and religions.

Strategic Planning, 2019

They begin drafting plans for an organization focused on fostering a culture of joy and love for every person. Drawing inspiration from existing groups, they aim to educate, inspire, and mobilize like-minded individuals while crafting their unique identity.

Official Launch, March 2019

ProLife Europe is officially founded on March 24th 2019 in Augsburg, Germany, with a focus on mobilizing university students—future parents and leaders—to educate their peers about the dignity of human life. By year’s end, they complete 32 student-led outreaches—a great success!

First Steps, 2019-2021

Starting with nine groups in Germany and Austria, ProLife Europe takes its first steps. Despite the pandemic, the group remains active, refining its tools and expanding across Europe.

Growing Ambition, 2021-2023

ProLife Europe continues to develop its model. The team grows more ambitious, further expanding its presence in multiple European nations.

Milestone Celebration, 2024

ProLife Europe celebrates its 5th anniversary with 54 founded groups, 4,192 trained students, 285 outreaches, and over 10,000 seeds of life planted.

Our team

Our mission is to inspire and support you in raising your voice to defend the dignity of every human life.

Our values
and principles

With love. We strive to defend life in a loving, respectful, and compassionate manner towards others. We avoid, by all means, being judgmental and pointing fingers. We meet others where they are at and focus on changing hearts and minds.

We defend life through the lenses of science (biology, philosophy and anthropology) and advocate for the protection of its inherent dignity in accordance with Human Rights. As an organization and movement, we don’t take a stance on any other topic. We don’t use political or religious agendas in our messaging.

We call on you to stand up, take courage and be a voice. If you won’t do something, no one else will. There are some people that only you can reach. Therefore, we trust you to run that extra mile, be creative and take responsibility for your own local sphere. As much as life is dynamic, we challenge and encourage you to keep your group alive and to create impact.

We strive to help women and men to say YES to Life. We don’t judge women who experienced abortions, nor men who endorsed them. At the same time, we commit to support those in crisis pregnancies and those struggling with a past abortion. When necessary, we direct them to professional help.

Life is just as hard as it is beautiful. We acknowledge the difficulties and challenges life can bring in our broken world. But the more people we reach, the more people can make a difference for those, who feel overwhelmed or lost, to help them rediscover and focus on the beauty of life again. Let them find and share hope. Because life is ALWAYS worth being defended and celebrated!

Why do we focus on abortion?

If we fail to protect life in its most vulnerable form, how can we defend it elsewhere? Abortion strikes human life in its most defenseless state. The unborn, though unseen, voiceless, and unable to express their needs, are yet no less human.

While fighting other threats to life like hunger, poverty, suicide, or human trafficking, we must acknowledge that every human being, regardless of their circumstances, has intrinsic worth.

Learn more about Abortion

Annual Reports

ProLife Europe’s annual reports available to download:

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