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Creating a culture of life across Europe

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new revolution


Worldwide there are around

abortions* every year, and

1 in 6

pregnancies in Europe ends in abortion

Infographic image representing 1 in 6 pregnancies ending in abortion

The abortion crisis is THE humanitarian crisis of our times. It is an injustice and a form of violence against women, men, and their babies. It undermines the dignity of human life, making it the most significant violation of human rights ever to occur.

*According to Abortion Worldwide, Guttmacher Institute

Why ProLife Europe?

What our groups say:

The 3 Pillars of our work


Confidence in your pro-life beliefs, rooted in solid knowledge and education, empowers you to stand firm and to inspire others.


Connect women and men in crisis pregnancies to help centers they may not have known existed, ensuring they receive the support they truly need.


Honest dialogues change hearts and minds. Speaking out and showing up can literally save lives.

Get involved:
what’s upcoming

You don’t have to change the entire world on your own; but your individual contribution can be irreplaceable.

By making time in your life and joining forces with others, you can take part in actions — like outreaches, pro-life talks, or setting up information tables — promoting the dignity of human life. Small actions with an eternal impact.

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